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What’s new in Family Book Creator 2019?

Family Book Creator 2019 is an outdated previous major release of Family Book Creator. This release is available for Family Tree Maker 2017 and Family Tree Maker 2019 on Windows. Note: A macOS edition has been recently released. Please follow the link to try the Mac Version.

Family Book Creator 2024 has been recently released and is now the latest major release of Family Book Creator! It is compatible with FTM 2019 and FTM 2024 on Windows. Please review "What’s new in Family Book Creator 2024?" to learn about the many features introduced in Family Book Creator 2024.

Please find below a list of new features in Family Book Creator 2019:

New look and feel

The user interface has been updated. This means the user interface looks more modern and icons are used on most tab controls to make it easier to remember where a setting can be found.

Note: This does not mean that all controls have been shuffled around. Users of previous versions should be able to find the settings they are used to find as before.
  FBC2019, Preferences-General


FBC2019, Preferences-General

Improved internal text editor

The built-in text editor, available to change text elements used for Title Page, Colophon, Dedication, Foreword and Introduction sections, has been improved. Now it is possible to insert images, and a zoomable layout view is used to show the content of these pages. The most recognize features of the new enhanced text editor are:
- Open and save Microsoft Word files,
  among other popular formats
- Full control of paragraph and font settings
- Images, text boxes and tables can be inserted
- Full-screen mode with spell checker
- and much more...


Include content from media files in word processor file formats

Starting with Family Book Creator 2019, it is possible to include word processing media elements in your book documents as well. This release of Family Book Creator allows you to include content from media files in word processor file formats like Rich Text Format (RTF), Microsoft Word Document (DOC and DOCX) and Open Document Text (ODT). Also, media elements in FTM’s Smart Story Format (FTMS), HTML format and Portable Document Format (PDF) are supported.


Color Coding Legend &
Color Coding without colors

Family Book Creator now automatically compiles a Color Coding Legend based on the assigned colors in Family Tree Maker. The user can now use a variety of symbols in multicolor or unicolor for printing in black and white mode, and it is even possible to replace yellow with gray.

FBC2019, Color Coding Legend


FBC2019, AlbumWALK sample output

Include content from AlbumWALK media files

Family Book Creator extracts the information from AlbumWALK mini-documentaries (www.albumwalk.com) and inserts the content directly in photo albums together with automatically transcribed text and marks individuals with circles as well.

Additional minor Changes

  • New position for Endnotes
    Endnotes can be placed before the bibliography section or at the end of the document.
  • New image manipulation options
    For cutting image to passport photo format you may now choose between "Passport format (top)" and "Passport format (middle)".
  • Date Formats
    Writing dates in English can now be done in a variety of ways. FBC allows users to specify the output date format for reports in the English language.
  • Relationship Notes
    There is now a new 'Relationship notes' area on the 'Items to include', 'Partner' tab page which allows you to specify if and how relationship notes should be included.
  • New 'Header & Footer' options
    The new 'Header & Footer' tab page now allows the page header and footer to be customized.
  • Improved support for media items in PDF file format
    The output of PDF pages as images has been improved. Annotations in PDF files (like text boxes, highlighted text or images, strikethrough text and underlined text) are now retained and properly rendered to images.

Note: The latest update for Family Book Creator 2017 is a free maintenance release and includes multiple improvements and fixes and makes the product already compatible with Family Tree Maker 2019 on Windows as well.
Please click here for instructions about "How to integrate Family Book Creator 2017 in FTM 2019".

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